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Alternative and Independent Media

Alternative and independent media are some of the types of media that currently exists. Both don’t operate within the mainstream media system and are more free and liberal about their creations. People often are confused between the difference of the two, so I’ll be here to clarify how the alternative and independent media are different from each other.

Alternative Media:

Alternative means “having another choice aside from the one you already have or know.  When you combine alternative and media together, it becomes the type of media that is different from the established forms of mainstream media. It simply means “the other choice for the existing mainstream media.” Most alternative media feature content that mainstream media doesn’t usually have. In alternative media, the content creators don’t have the pressure of making money. Instead, they are only pressured to make a creative output which could also be seen or heard by many. Alternative media prioritizes the intention of creation than profit.

Independent Media:

In independent media, the people who create content are independent from profit-oriented mainstream producers or companies. They are free to make their own content and can be as creative as they want. Since there is no huge financial corporation to fund their projects, independent media producers often try to find the money sources themselves. They make content and then hope someone would fund for its completion. One example of this are film festivals where unknown filmmakers are given a chance to be known. Independent media focuses on the creation aspect while also earning some profit for their effort.


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