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Identifying my Media Favorites

After listing my favorites in the chart above, I’ve realized that most of them are from mainstream media. I was never really familiar with independent media products, so I usually only watch or use the type of media that everyone knows. A majority of my favorite films, tv shows, social medias, and books, were all introduced to me by my friends and family. These soon became my favorites because I enjoyed the content that it had. Most of the social media above that I use are easy to access as well and a lot of the people I relate to hang out there.
Mainstream media usually chooses the safest option when it comes to releasing their works, so I think I’m missing a lot because I keep on surrounding myself with mainstream media. Independent media, however, has more freedom in the products that they could release.

Now that I think about it, I think both types of media have disadvantages that the other has as an advantage. Independent media doesn't receive too much attention while mainstream media's products are always known by everyone. However, this type of media has always had the problem of being repetitive and recycled. Mainstream media is focused on making sure that their product would be a success, so they never gambled much when it comes to fresh, new ideas. Independent media, on the other hand, is free to be as creative as possible.

I guess whether my favorites are from mainstream media or independent media doesn’t matter a lot when it comes to tv shows, films, books, social media sites, etc. While it does dictate to others what they think you like, it’s something that shouldn’t be judged in the first place. Supporting mainstream media doesn’t mean it’s bad and supporting independent media doesn’t mean you are higher than the rest. It just reflects what kind of content that you like. However, I think people should be very careful about the media products that they consume when it comes to news sites or anything that people post online. Anything from the mainstream media is controlled by large corporations. Since they have a large influence and many consume their products, many people would easily believe them. Because of this, it would become easy to control what the majority of populations would think and believe. They have the power to hide the other side of information that they are sharing. In the same light, people should also be wary of independent media as well. While independent media isn’t controlled by larger companies and is independent, it doesn’t immediately guarantee that the piece of information that it releases isn’t biased. In other words, we should always be careful about any information that we see. 


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